Patina Republic P-47D Thunderbolt (G-THUN) by Alistair Bridges (Fairford, UK - England)

Photographer: Alistair Bridges
Aircraft: Republic P-47D Thunderbolt
Operator: Patina
Registration: G-THUN
Database: Main
Category: Warbirds (WW2 and before)
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AP Image ID:   1183 | Legacy page
Resolution: 760x507 px
Taken: Jul 14th 2004   / 14.07.2004
Published: Oct 17th 2006  /  17.10.2006
Views: 7830 x
Likes: 1 x
Airport name: Fairford
Country: UK - England
Liked by: Jocelyn Dell
Author's remark: If you haven't got it in the UK yet, it's too late. This has been swapped for a "razorback" version and is US bound.