Malaysia - Air Force McDonnell Douglas F-18D Hornet (M45-06) by chws (Langkawi, Malaysia)

Photographer: chws
Aircraft: McDonnell Douglas F-18D Hornet
Operator: Malaysia - Air Force
Registration: M45-06
Database: Old Scans
Category: Military
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AP Image ID:   18529 | Legacy page
Resolution: 1024x702 px
Taken: Oct 10th 2001   / 10.10.2001
Published: Jul 2nd 2008  /  02.07.2008
Views: 5547 x
Likes: 1 x
Airport name: Langkawi
Country: Malaysia
Liked by: Alexey Filatov
Author's remark: Taxi to its parking bay after the flying on a warm afternoon with the wing tips folded . The painting of the F18D was in darker gray then. Image shot with film.