Status: Full member
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Country: Austria
Member since: March 2009
Photos in database: 1102
Photo views: 2049868
Innsbruck located, 20 years old, owner of a glider licence, into creative shots, started plane spotting 8 years ago, Proud Full Member @ A-P, Sony equipment, facebook administrator of our site,
contact me if you have any questions ->
Publications/Clients: Airliner World, The Catalina Society, ArkasAir, diverse other companies, etc
Cameras: Sony Alpha 77, Sony Alpha 700, Panasonic Lumix FZ-50
Lenses: Sigma 10mm 2.8 Fisheye ;-), Sony 70-400G, Minolta 28-135mm
Photo albums: Best photos on, Best of Fisheye shots!