Status: Member
Location: Bleiswijk
Country: Netherlands
Member since: June 2017
Photos in database: 89
Photo views: 41613
Hi I am Yordi, I am 14 years old and I really like airplane photography!
I was born in Rotterdam and I live near Rotterdam Airport now. I go there quite often spotting and sometimes I go to Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. I like Rotterdam Airport better though because I like the scope of the airport so much! My school is Wolfert Lyceum and I am currently in 3 vwo (highest class). I also play soccer and I like being outside!
If you have any questions or you wan't to ask me something about my photo's you can always send me an e-mail to
Cameras: Nikon Coolpix B500
Lenses: Nikkor 40x optical zoom 4.0-160mm
Photo albums: Rotterdam Airport Photography, Amsterdam Airport Photography, Teuge Airport Photography, Woensdrecht Airport Photography